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Christian and Name in the Land of Dinosaurs

Name and Name in the Land of Dinosaurs

29,99 € 29,99 €
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A Roarsome Adventure for Children who Love Dinosaurs!

In this personalised book, two curious explorers venture out on a fantastic journey to the land of dinosaurs. They meet the sweet little Triceratops, Tricka. Tricka can't find her best friend, Steggo the Stegosaurus. The two little heros decide to help find Steggo.

Along the way, the children meet many different dinosaurs who help them in their quest to find Steggo. The children take a fantastic trip on the back of a high-flying Pterodactyl. They go for a swim on a water-loving Plesiosaurus and the tall Brachiosaurus gives them a lift up, so they can look out over the grasslands. Finally, they meet the speedy Velociraptor, with its sharp claws and the formidable Tyrannosaurus Rex who isn't all that ferocious as they expected. Maybe, just maybe, our two explorers will find Steggo with a little help from the fantastic dinosaurs.

A personalised children's book about solidarity and teamwork. The book appeals to children’s fantasy but also contains facts about the prehistoric dinosaurs.

The two children in the story can be siblings or friends aged 3 to 8.

Autor: Brian Mogensen
Ilustrator: Jonas Sonne

Dobna skupina
3 do 8 godina
28 stranica
delivery time
8-9 radnih dana
Na lageru
Na lageru
Nordic Swan Label
Nordic Swan Label
Tvrdi uvez, premazani papir 200 gr.
Tvrdi uvez, premazani papir 200 gr.

Personalise Name and Name in the Land of Dinosaurs

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about Child 1

Write the child's first name.
Write the name of the street where the child lives.
Write the name of the city/town where the child lives.

Information about Child 2

Write the child’s first name. This child can be a younger sibling, a twin or a friend who is sleeping over at Child 1’s place

Information about the Adults

Write the name of the adult who takes part in the story. The adult lives together with Child 1 (maybe Child 2) and is not illustrated.
Write the name of the second adult who takes part in the story. The adult lives together with Child 1 (maybe Child 2) and is not illustrated.

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